Just Giving Donations

Welcome to our new Just Giving page. As you may be aware we are a self funding charity raising much needed funds whenever we can through various activities at the center. If you would like to support us by making an online donation however large or small it will be greatly appreciated. Please click on the button below and follow the instructions. Thank you for your kind support.

Seated Pilates

 New Payment Structure:

Monthly payments of £5 per class can now be made in advance with no refund for non attendance. Alternatively payment can be made for individual sessions at a rate of £7 per class. People can mix and match as they wish ie: advance payment for months in which they expect to attend all classes, weekly rate where they know in advance they will be missing some classes. People who know in advance that they will be missing for 4 weeks or more will not be charged for that period as long as they have informed us.

National Trust Supporters’ Group, Halifax and Huddersfield (Holme and Calder)


Saturday 23rd March, Maurice Jagger Centre, Halifax. 2.0pm for 2.15 start.

Dan founded this registered charity 18 years ago. He will tell us about swans’ lives and habits in general, then explains how, working with volunteers and vets, they are dedicated to the rescue, treatment and eventual release of injured swans and wild animals across Yorkshire and the adjoining counties.

H and C members £4.00, non-members £4.00 (includes refreshments). All welcome. Enquiries 07779233048

Friends of the Maurice Jagger Centre


The Maurice Jagger Centre was established in early 1982 to support the less able and those looking for companionship living in the Calderdale area.  We are a self funding charity and we raise all the money to run the Centre which costs circa £75,000 per annum. The only exception is an annual Ward Forum Grant of £500, which we have been fortunate enough to receive for the past few years, although this is not guaranteed.  We do this by running lunch clubs every Wednesday and Thursday, organising fund raising events throughout the year, raffles, and hiring out the building to other support Groups. 

We are looking for Friends to help us continue to provide and expand our services.

Friends of The Maurice Jagger Centre: –

  • will be kept up-to-date with our presentation displayed weekly during the lunch clubs and by keeping our Website and FB page up to date
  • can get involved with our activities, for example helping us run the fundraising events
  • 50% reduction for the Xmas Lunches for Lunch Club members
  • 20% reduction for tickets to the fund raising events
  • know that they are directly helping local people who are lonely or less able.

You can become a Friend by simply committing to a regular payment (of whatever sum you choose). All you need to do is complete 2 forms, an application form which incorporates the instruction to your bank and a Gift Aid Declaration, both obtainable from the Administration Office. Gift Aid Declaration can boost your donation by 25p in the£1. You can also contact the Centre via the Contact Us page and we can send out the forms via e mail for completion and return.

 Thank You!

With your support we can continue to support the people of Calderdale into the future for another 40 years

The Maurice Jagger Centre Registered Charity No 511088

Calderdale Family History Society


MAY 23rd – My American Cousins – Stuart Wilkinson

JUNE 27th – Yorkshire Waterman – David Scrimgeour

JULY 25th – Heroes & Ghosts – Michael H Hallett

AUGUST 22nd – Hartshead, its people and environs – Margot Atherton

SEPTEMBER 26th – DNA Q&A, I know who I am, thanks to DNA – Graham Farmer

Check out the CFH website for a brief resume of the next meeting https://www.cfhsweb.com/documents/Syllabus.pdf