The group were given fabric books that had curtain and furnishings samples. After much thought ,this waste was turned into something useful, bags for the MacMillan Nurses Personal Effects Bags appeal. Well done the Calder Quilters .

Calder Quilters enjoyed their December Meeting ..mince pies and gift exchanges are always a delight. The Annual Show and Tell of quilts and Christmas decorations was stunning was a true reflection of members skills. The members also brought their quilts that had been made for local charities. These quilts have been delivered to Lighthouse ( aimed at babies and children)and Homeinstead ( the elderly).
The members of the group send Seasons Greetings to who attend the wonderful MJCentre.
Calder Quilters Display in Central Library
Calder quilters have a display in the Central Library in Halifax. It is to recognise Culturedale 2024.
There are Three Split Quilts/ wall hangings on Shibden Hall, The Bridge in Hebden and a Yorkshire Scene. The members also made Minature Quilts as part of this years project.
The exhibition will be on until Friday 29th November.